For Investigators
Project Viva is a ground breaking longitudinal research study of mother-child pairs. The goal of Project Viva is to find ways to improve the health of mothers and their children by looking at the effects of mother's diet as well as other factors during pregnancy and after birth on child health outcomes. For example, the information we collect enables us to investigate the effects of diet on child development and obesity, and how diet and the environment influence the development of asthma and allergies in children.
Between 1999 and 2002, 2,128 mothers delivered babies and were officially enrolled in our study. Today, over a decade and a half later, approximately 1,600 mother and child pairs are still involved in Project Viva. For more information about Project Viva and the Project Viva Cohort, please refer to the Project Viva Cohort Profile led by Principal Investigator Emily Oken. Project Viva also has a record on (record ID NCT02820402). Additionally, in 2023 we published a follow up paper focusing on our Project Viva mothers.
Review here a list of grants that have funded Project Viva since 1998.
Getting Started with Project Viva Data
Our rich data set makes for a unique opportunity for research. We are frequently contacted by those interested in using Project Viva data for their analysis. We welcome proposals by new investigators interested in using our data.
Those interested in working with our data should begin by reviewing the Policies for Using Project Viva Data.
Those interested in performing genetic analyses should also review the Project Viva Genetic Data Use Policy.
After reading our policies, if you are interested in exploring use of Project Viva data, please sign up for the Project Viva Research Operations and Data Management Platform (ROADMaP). Please enter the invitation code join-viva-roadmap when signing up.
If you have any questions about Project Viva data or the ROADMaP system, please contact us at
Once you have ROADMaP access, you can:
review analysis plans that have been previously approved,
explore the data dictionary,
and then submit your own analysis plan proposal and request to present at a Co-Investigator meeting.
Once an analysis plan has been approved, you will be able to submit your data request through the portal, and subsequently track the the status of your project (abstract presentations, submitted manuscripts, etc.)
If you have already registered, you can log in to ROADMaP here. If you have any questions about Project Viva data or the ROADMaP system, please contact us at
A list of completed and planned biospecimen assays, updated as of March 2023, can be found here: Project Viva Master Assay List
Co-Investigator Meetings
Meetings will be held on Zoom from 1pm-3pm EST.
2025 Meetings:
January 27th
February 24th
March 24th
April 28th
May 19th
June 23rd
July 28th
No August Meeting
September 22nd
October 27th
November 24th
December 15th