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How is this different than an in-person or remote visit?

Completing a survey for Project Viva can be done on your own time and does not need to be scheduled like an in-person or remote visit. You also do not need to come into the office to complete a survey or have a scheduled meeting with Project Viva staff.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a survey?

Advantages of a survey: There are many advantages to collecting data through surveys for both participants and Project Viva. It is very convenient to complete a survey because you can do it on your own, at any time and any place. You may also pause taking the survey and come back to finish it with an access code. Surveys are also much faster than in-person or remote visits, but still allow us to collect important data at different timepoints.

Disadvantages of a survey: Surveys are less in depth and collect different types of information than in-person and remote visits. However, all information that we collect from these surveys is highly valuable and will very much contribute to our scientific endeavors. Project Viva staff will not accompany you when taking the survey, which means we cannot immediately answer any questions or issues that may arise as you take the survey. If you do have any questions, please contact Project Viva at any time! Call us at: 617-867-4251 or email us at:

You make us better!

Many of you have given us feedback in the comments section of our surveys which is very helpful to Project Viva as we work to continuously improve the study. We want to assure you that everyone at Project Viva is listening to you and we greatly value all the thoughtful comments you send us. We encourage all of you to send us any feedback you may have at any time and we will take it into careful consideration and work to move forward in the best way we can. Thank you for helping us learn and grow!

Below are feedback and research interests reported by mom and young adult participants from the 2024 Annual Survey.

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Why does Project Viva do annual surveys and what is the goal of these surveys?

Annual Surveys

Project Viva sends out annual surveys to track the changes of our participants throughout the years. Annual surveys allow us to get up-to-date information as both participants’ lives and the current world events change over time. Project Viva is an ongoing longitudinal study which means we want to look at changes over a longer period of time. Please use the directory on the left to learn more about our past surveys. Moving forward, our annual surveys will correspond to the calendar year.

How can you complete a survey?

We may ask you to complete a survey either electronically or by mail.

  • Electronic: If we have your email address and you have agreed to be contacted through that method, when you are eligible, you will be sent a welcome email and survey link to complete your survey.

  • Mailed paper survey: If you do not have an email or do not wish to be contacted through email, we will send you a mailed paper copy of the survey and consent form.

*2024 Survey

2024 Annual Survey

Feedback from participants inspired the content of the 2024 Annual Surveys. Many young adults are interested in mental health, so their survey is focused on experiences of mental wellbeing and the behaviors that may influence (or be influenced by) mental and physical health. The main topics on the survey for moms are menopause, stress, nutrition, and sleep because many moms have expressed interest in contributing to research on these understudied topics. This year’s survey is electronic-only, so if you have not received an email from us with the link, please email us at!

*2022 Survey

2022 Annual Survey

The 2022 Annual Survey was sent out to participants from January 2022 through December 2022. We received over 800 responses from our mom and young adult participants. We asked questions about your physical and mental health and behaviors, your experiences that contribute to health throughout your life, your ability to access and use healthcare, and COVID-19 infection and vaccination. These questions help us understand how our participants’ lives and health change over time. Stay tuned to see some initial findings from the 2022 Annual Survey soon!

*Age 19 Survey

Age 19 Survey

The Age 19 Survey was sent to all Viva participants from December 2019 through July 2022. We asked questions about your physical and mental health, daily activities and behaviors, and your environment. As we continue to examine the Age 19 Survey data, we wanted to share some preliminary results with you. Based on your comments and feedback, many of you expressed that you were interested in seeing results about mental health, daily activities and behaviors, and how those topics affect family relationships. We summarized your responses to some of the questions on these topics in this letter and we hope that you find it interesting to see these results. Click here to view the full Age 19 Results Letter.

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Why does Project Viva do topic-specific surveys and what is the goal of these surveys?

Project Viva sent out topic-specific COVID surveys to collect important data about the impact of COVID-19 on participants. We may send out more topic-specific surveys in the future that are relevant to participants’ health.

COVID Surveys

*COVID 1.0

COVID 1.0:

The COVID 1.0 Survey was sent out to participants from May 2020 through August 2020. We received almost 1,000 responses which provided us with valuable scientific data on how the pandemic impacted daily life and experiences. This survey was sent to all eligible participants through email and was completed online. The goal of this survey was to help us better understand the impact of COVID-19 on families and young adults in communities across the U.S. We sent out a results letter for this survey during the Winter of 2020, highlighting some initial discoveries from this survey. Click here to view the full COVID 1.0 Results Letter.

*COVID 2.0

COVID 2.0:

The COVID 2.0 Survey was sent out to participants from February 2021 through September 2021. After receiving such valuable data from the COVID 1.0 Survey, we wanted to expand on it by asking more questions in the COVID 2.0 Survey, including how the pandemic impacted mental and physical health, work, schooling, home life, and other daily experiences. Like the first COVID survey, we sent the COVID 2.0 Survey to all eligible participants through email to be completed online. We received over 1,000 responses and were able to send some initial results to everyone at the end of 2021. Click here to view the full COVID 2.0 Results Letter.

We know the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted everyone’s lives and caused us all to make many adjustments over the past couple of years. Here are a few resources you may find helpful in dealing with the stressors of COVID-19:

Contact Us

Study Hotline: 617-867-4251
Text: 617-553-6698

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